Online Learning Opportunities
Expanded Online Learning
Section 21f of the FY2013 State School Aid Act expands access to digital learning options for students in Michigan. This legislation enables public school students in grades 6-12, with the consent of a parent or guardian, to enroll in up to two online courses during an academic term.
To consider such an option, careful thought must be considered by the student, as well as the parent. Along with consulting the school counselor, the following three resources can be very helpful to determine if -an online course can be one of success for a student.
Online Readiness Rubric/How Ready Am I for Online Success?
Frequently Asked Questions
Parent Guide to Online Learning
Once the determination is made to further investigate online learning, the following request form is to be completed, with course selection from the Michigan's Online Course Catalog, and submitted to the school principal by May 14, 2021.
Request Form
Michigan's Online Course Catalog
Once the request is reviewed the principal, the student and parent will be contacted for further information. If the request is denied, the parent and student have the right to hear the rationale for denial. The parent can appeal to the Superintendent of Allen Park Public Schools.
Virtual Learning Option
Parents and students interested in a virtual option for their children can access courses through EdOptions Academy with a certified teacher and Allen Park Public Schools mentor.