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Special Services

Special Services: Special Education and Special Populations

Allen Park's Special Education Department, in partnership with parents, evaluates for special needs and makes necessary accommodations available to students with disabilities so that they can access and benefit from a free and appropriate public education in the least restrictive environment.

Allen Park offers a continuum of supports and services to program for students locally. These programs are listed below. In some cases, a child may need additional supports and/or services which are run by a neighboring school district in partnership with Allen Park and the Wayne Regional Educational Services Agency. Sometimes these services are delivered in-district by itinerant consultants. In other cases, students are transported to neighboring programs.

If a parent suspects that their student has a problem that interferes with learning, please contact your child's teacher or the building principal to discuss the need for pre-referral strategies, a potential parent-teacher meeting, and/or information on the testing process. The need for intervention services may be assessed before a child enters school. This is particularly important with speech and language delays or delays in development. If you have questions about your 0-5 year old child's development, please contact your neighborhood school's speech and language therapist.

Allen Park Public Schools also provides services for those qualifying students in the area of Special Populations, as defined by the Michigan Department of Education. These populations include students qualifying for services in the areas of:

  • Academic Support through federal and state funded programs
  • English Learners
  • Homeless

Contact Us

Allen Park Administrative Offices

9601 Vine
Allen Park, MI 48101

Office Hours

7:30 am - 4:00 pm

Special Education

Phone: 313-827-2180
Fax: 313-827-2161

Director of Special Services
504 District Coordinator

Matthew Sokol 

Administrative Assistant

Nicole Meridith
Special Services Staff