Students in Homeless Situations
Allen Park Public Schools support students, as well as their families, when experiencing a homeless situation. Our main focus is to allow the student to continue the educational services without interruption regardless of their housing situation. This support includes a student that is enrolled in another school district but is residing in a homeless situation in the boundaries of the Allen Park Public Schools.
Students eligible for support are those who lack a fixed, regular, and adequate nighttime residence and includes:
- those living on the street, in a car, in an abandon building, etc.
- those living in shelters and transitional housing programs
- those living in campgrounds, motels and hotels
- those who are doubled up with family or friends from loss of housing or economic hardship (including foreclosure)
- those recently placed in a foster home (within the past six months)
- those who have run away or otherwise are not accompanied by a legal parent or guardian
Students in the above living situations may continue to attend school where they were last enrolled (prior to losing their housing) or may immediately enroll in the district where they are temporarily staying (even if they lack enrollment documents such as birth certificates, immunizations, and proof of residency).
McKinney-Vento Act
Under the Federal Law known as the McKinney-Vento Act, children, preschool through grade twelve, in homeless situations have the right to:
- Go to school, no matter where they live or how long they have lived there
- Attend either the local school of the school of origin, if this is in their best interest; the school of origin is the school the child attended when s/he was permanently housed or the school in which the child was last enrolled
- Attend school with children not experiencing homelessness, without segregation because of their homeless situation
- Receive transportation to and from the school
- Enroll in school immediately without barriers (i.e. even if missing normally required records)
- Enroll, attend classes, and participate in all school activities while to school sorts out any disputes
For further assistance please contact Dr. John Tafelski, Homeless Liaison for the Allen Park Public Schools, at 313-827-2121.
Wayne Metropolitan Community
Action Agency
734-284-6999/Allen Park & Out Wayne County
313-388-9799/City of Detroit
Contact Us
Director of Special Services
504 District Coordinator
Matthew Sokol
Administrative Assistant
Nicole Meridith
Special Services Staff