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Safety Committee Information



A comprehensive community team that works together to align an approach that focuses on evidence-based school policies and practices for the Whole School, Whole Community, and Whole Child to belong safely in the school environment.  


A comprehensive community team that works collaboratively with the community to plan for (prevent, prepare, and implement) the safety needs of our school district.

District Safety Committee Members

  • Deborah Arnoldy, District Nurse
  • Mike Darga, Superintendent
  • Patrick Donohue, Principal, APMS
  • Chris Egan, Chief of Police, APPD
  • Giovanni Foster, Assistant Principal, APHS
  • Ryan John, Director of Schools, Cabrini
  • Michelle Kean, School Social Worker
  • Jared Knudsen, SRO
  • Kathy Lott, Principal, Lindemann
  • Dave Maison, Technology Representative
  • Jack Miller, Social Worker, APMS
  • Jeff O’Riley, Fire Chief, APFD
  • Kendra Payette-Linn, School Social Worker
  • Meaghan Rourke, District Athletic Trainer
  • Erica Saville, School Social Worker
  • Zach Short, Principal, Bennie
  • Jason Skiba, Principal, APHS
  • Marisa Tringali, School Social Worker
  • James Victor, AD, APHS
  • Patrick Ward, Director of Operations
  • Kathy Weaver, Social Worker, APHS
  • Steve Zielinski, Principal, Arno

Allen Park Public Schools School Safety Drills Requirements

Public Act 12 of 2014 which went into effect on July 1, 2014, revises the number and scheduling of required school safety drills. Ten drills will be required each year:

  • Five fire drills per school year. Three of which must take place by December 1. The other two during the remainder of the school year.
  • Two tornado safety drills per school year. One of which must take place in March.
  • Three lockdown drills per school year, including security measures appropriate to an emergency "such as the release of hazardous material or the presence of a potentially dangerous individual on or near the premises." At least one of the drills must take place by December 1 and at least one after January 1.
  • At least one of the drills must be scheduled during lunch, recess, or at another time when a significant number of students are present, but not in classrooms.
  • Drill schedules for each school year must be submitted by September 15.
  • Completed safety drills shall be posted on the website within 30 school days after the drill is completed and must be maintained on the website for 3 years.
  • Scheduled drills that are canceled due to severe weather/conditions beyond the control of the school authorities must be rescheduled within 10 days after the canceled drill date.